Joel Schumacher Quotes & Sayings

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4 most famous Joel Schumacher quotes and sayings. He's an 84 year old American director born on Aug 29, 1939.

Joel Schumacher Quotes
“I don't want to tell your story because you're a insensitive, self-centered moron. I've told a lot of stories about young people, and I always feel there's hope.”
“So we got there at 6 a.m. We'd be shooting by 6:45. We wouldn't break for lunch, we'd just pass food around all day. And we would just rock and roll 'til 4, then Matty Libatique, our great cinematographer, would say, 'Outta light, guys' - and that was it.”
Joel Schumacher Quotes
“Don't you hear people saying things you can't believe they're saying?”
“We deserved it. I mean, if you get a pummeling, you deserved it. But isn't it wonderful to remember a time that America was once so innocent that all we had to worry about was the next 'Batman' movie?”

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