John Bolton Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)
John Bolton quotes and sayings page 5 (59 year old statesman). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 59 we have for him.
“Don't get me wrong: I would love to be president.”
“Every country has an aspect to it that rubs up people the wrong way.”
“A lot of people have said to me, 'That's a great idea, running for president. You'll get booked for more speeches. You can write a book.'”
“I am not a neoconservative.”
“I don't think I would have to run a campaign that's financed like General Motors.”
“I am not a professional politician.”
“I would not run as a one-issue candidate. Anybody who does that is declaring himself to be marginal.”
“I'm a conservative Republican. I have been since I was 15 years old and participated in the 'Goldwater for President' campaign in 1964.”
“I'm not running around the world looking for ways to create hostilities.”
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