John Irving Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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John Irving quotes and sayings page 2 (83 year old novelist). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 78 we have for him.

John Irving Quotes
“If you presume to love something, you must love the process of it much more than you love the finished product.”
John Irving Quotes
“You can't learn everything you need to know legally.”
John Irving Quotes
“I do know where I'm going and it's just a matter of finding the language to get there.”
John Irving Quotes
“I believe in rules of behavior, and I'm quite interested in stories about the consequences of breaking those rules.”
John Irving Quotes
“And I find - I'm 63, and my capacity to be by myself and just spend time by myself hasn't diminished any. That's the necessary part of being a writer, you better like being alone.”
John Irving Quotes
“My old coach used to say that if you were in it for the match, if you were in it for the trophies, you were in it for the wrong reasons.”
John Irving Quotes
“'The Fourth Hand' was a novel that came from twenty years of screenwriting concurrently with whatever novel I'm writing.”
John Irving Quotes
“To each other, we were as normal and nice as the smell of bread. We were just a family. In a family even exaggerations make perfect sense.”
“I think the sport of wrestling, which I became involved with at the age of 14... I competed until I was 34, kind of old for a contact sport. I coached the sport until I was 47. I think the discipline of wrestling has given me the discipline I have to write.”
John Irving Quotes
“I have a very poor record at multiple choice questions.”

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