John Irving Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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John Irving quotes and sayings page 5 (83 year old novelist). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 78 we have for him.

John Irving Quotes
“I don't really set out to explore grand themes. I set out to tell a story. And one I have to be able to imagine right through.”
John Irving Quotes
“I never know when I finish the novel I am writing which will be the next novel out of the station.”
John Irving Quotes
“I sometimes think that what I do as a writer is make a kind of colouring book, where all the lines are there, and then you put in the colour.”
John Irving Quotes
“I lived five years in the Midwest, and I loved it. The people were so nice. The people were so open.”
John Irving Quotes
“The building of the architecture of a novel - the craft of it - is something I never tire of.”
John Irving Quotes
“There's no reason you shouldn't, as a writer, not be aware of the necessity to revise yourself constantly.”
John Irving Quotes
“I believe that, in any novel of mine, the principal objective is the construction of the whole.”
John Irving Quotes
“Whatever I write, no matter how gray or dark the subject matter, it's still going to be a comic novel.”
John Irving Quotes
“When I love a novel I've read, I want to reread it - in part, to see how it was constructed.”
John Irving Quotes
“I find screenplays easy to write, my novels being very visual. You see what people look like. The physical action is described.”

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