John Lydon Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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John Lydon quotes and sayings page 8 (69 year old musician). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 124 we have for him.

“A record company used to be a very good thing, but they ended up soul-destroyingly trapping people in the accounting department. And you couldn't get any further, and the heads of each department were changing all the time, so you couldn't have any permanent relationship within the corporation.”
John Lydon Quotes
“I've always said, I thought the Sex Pistols was more Music Hall than anything else - because I think that really, more truths are said in humour than any other form.”
“The real color of my hair is mouse. I always want to be ginger, which I was when I was born, or blond, because I live in L.A., and I want to look like I go surfing without any physical effort.”
John Lydon Quotes
“I love being alive so much. When you come out of comas in your childhood, every moment awake is a joyous occasion.”
John Lydon Quotes
“I love discordancy. It makes people ill at ease and wakes up a part of their brain that's normally asleep.”
John Lydon Quotes
“Just because people think politically different to you doesn't mean they're inhuman.”
“I'm not great at dealing with death, I have to say. I find death very hard: my mum, my dad, Sid Vicious. I'm not a monster; I feel it and it scares me. One death at a time, please, is all my heart will bear.”
John Lydon Quotes
“It's volatile, the marriage. Which one isn't? Nothing better than a good, full-on row. Get it all out. Say rude and nasty things. And then be sorry. Genuinely sorry, afterwards.”
John Lydon Quotes
“I showed what I can do with butter, right? Eighty-five percent increase in sales. I'm very proud of them Country Life ads. They were funny and clever and classy like the Toblerone ads I grew up with.”
“I went to visit Alcatraz years ago when I was on tour with the Pistols, and I really liked the atmosphere of the place. I genuinely, really, thoroughly enjoyed the whole morning there. I just liked the quietness and stillness of what is basically a cruel prison complex. I still found some kind of joy in that. That's how I am.”

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