John Lydon Quotes & Sayings (Page 12)

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John Lydon quotes and sayings page 12 (69 year old musician). Here's quote # 111 through 120 out of the 124 we have for him.

John Lydon Quotes
“There are some Rolling Stones songs that are just stunners.”
John Lydon Quotes
“You can always wake up on the wrong side of the bed and, boo-hiss, everyone suffers. We can all be temperamental.”
John Lydon Quotes
“I could never be a member of a single party. I want the best of all worlds, thank you.”
John Lydon Quotes
“Music is a simulation of something, but language is the greatest thing we possess.”
John Lydon Quotes
“Pop music I have always loved best. But the more extreme, fascist-led examples of the music business I tend to detest the most.”
John Lydon Quotes
“Analog, electronic, whatever it happens to be, I simply love and adore literally every aspect of making music.”
John Lydon Quotes
“Every single lyric I've ever written I meant.”
John Lydon Quotes
“For me, the best rock is not what you play - it's what you're not playing.”
John Lydon Quotes
“I never wore a studded leather jacket, y'know. Ne-va!”
John Lydon Quotes
“I think there's something basically wrong with the general public that they do need their icons.”

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