John McLaughlin Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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John McLaughlin quotes and sayings page 2 (83 year old musician). These are the last 4 out of 14 quotes we have for him.

John McLaughlin Quotes
“I've been more or less vegetarian for about 40 years. Health diet really helps. I do meditation every day, and either yoga or sport several times a week.”
John McLaughlin Quotes
“I don't have any particular goals in making a recording. In a way the recording is itself the goal. The music comes into my mind, and from there the main job is to give form to it.”
John McLaughlin Quotes
“The moment you start to talk about playing music, you destroy music. It cannot be talked about. It can only be played, enjoyed and listened to.”
“My entire life is dedicated to music, and at my age, that makes a lot of years! But all the work and dedication is only that I'm able to forget myself and let the music do the 'talking.'”

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