John Philip Sousa Quotes & Sayings
28 most famous John Philip Sousa quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He was an American musician who passed away on 6 March, 1932.
“I am happy now, to recall that I was not only his son but his companion, and whenever there was a hunting expedition or any other pleasure, I was always with him.”
“Jazz will endure just as long people hear it through their feet instead of their brains.”
“I firmly believe that we have more latent musical talent in America than there is in any other country. But to dig it out there must be good music throughout the land, a lot of it. Everyone must hear it, and such a process takes time.”
“Sincere composers believe in God.”
“I have always believed that 98% of a student's progress is due to his own efforts, and 2% to his teacher.”
“From childhood I was passionately fond of music and wanted to be a musician. I have no recollection of any real desire ever to be anything else.”
“Remember always that the composer's pen is still mightier than the bow of the violinist; in you lie all the possibilities of the creation of beauty.”
“My success is not due to any personal superiority over other people.”
“Is it not the business of the conductor to convey to the public in its dramatic form the central idea of a composition; and how can he convey that idea successfully if he does not enter heart and soul into the life of the music and the tale it unfolds?”
“The office of President is a great one; to every true American it seems the greatest on earth. And to me, as I was engaged in weaving a background of music for the pageantry of it, there came a deeper realization of the effect of that office on the man.”
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