John Podhoretz Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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John Podhoretz quotes and sayings page 5 (writer). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 96 we have.

John Podhoretz Quotes
“Romney is right that the Obama vision is too centered on government. But his is too centered on the promotion of business and wealth creation at the expense of everything else.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“The 2004 presidential election that saw George W. Bush win with 51 percent of the vote was the last one Republicans will ever win with the overwhelmingly white and male coalition they have now.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“The defense of ObamaCare's constitutionality relies mainly on the truism that everyone is sure to get sick at some point in their lives, and this makes the health-care market unlike any other market.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“This has always been the way of presidential politics. The president rises above the fray while his surrogates go on the attack. They throw the spears and fling the mud; he sits upon the throne.”
“Obama lost his ability to push his agenda through Congress when he received what he himself called a 'shellacking' in the November 2010 elections. That shellacking was primarily the result of massive policy overreach when he had a Democratic Congress in his pocket.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“The problem is that borrowing money to pay back more borrowed money that will oblige you in the future to borrow even more money doesn't sound kosher. Because it isn't.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“All non-incumbent campaigns promise hope and change, but Obama took the promise to a new level of absurdity. He suggested that a vote for him would literally transform the Earth.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“Insulting the electorate and accusing it of spiritual weakness and sinfulness are not the ways to get yourself the job of president.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“Some candidates need to say provocative things that make noise to break through the media muffle and get themselves noticed.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“Barack Obama is one of the greatest politicians in American history.”

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