John Podhoretz Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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John Podhoretz quotes and sayings page 4 (writer). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 96 we have.

John Podhoretz Quotes
“Unquestionably, American political rhetoric can be repugnant, and the Right can certainly be as guilty as the Left.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“You'd think experienced political professionals would know better than to place their trust in exit polls, notoriously inaccurate surveys that had John Kerry winning the 2004 election by five points when he actually lost by three.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“The great mystery is why robots come off so well in science-fiction films when the human characters are often so astoundingly wooden.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“While in Israel, Mitt Romney said something every sane person knows to be true: There is great cultural and political meaning in the fact that Israel has prospered while the Palestinians have festered.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“Is victory sweet because your side wins - or is it really because the other side loses?”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“Whether my columns are worth reading isn't for me to say.”
“That distinctive presidential conduct is now gone forever, banished to the snows of yesteryear by Barack Obama. From the beginning of his presidency to the present, he has spoken specifically and in unprecedented fashion of Republicans as his rivals, his stumbling blocks, the primary cause of his troubles.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“Vice presidents are at times tasked with issuing direct broadsides against enemies while the top guy stays above the fray. But never before has a vice president served as an attack dog against his own party's voters.”
John Podhoretz Quotes
“I look at 'The New York Review of Books.' It's what it has been for 35 or 40 years, which is a highly sophisticated vehicle for anti-American self-hatred.”
“Nixon was an awful president in many ways, including in some of his foreign-policy choices. But he left no doubt that foreign policy and America's leadership in the world outside its borders was of paramount importance to him.”

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