Julia Cameron Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Julia Cameron quotes and sayings page 5 (77 year old author). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 58 we have for her.

Julia Cameron Quotes
“There's this mythology that parents are supposed to be parents 24/7 and are supposed to be completely fulfilled by their kids. That's not the case. We need to make our own passions a priority.”
“We can believe we are being self-reliant and independent, and yet there is still clearly an overarching destiny, a Great Maker. So when we say we have faith in ourselves, we cannot really separate the small self from the large self.”
Julia Cameron Quotes
“People get so focused on the big dream that they forget about the process.”
“Over-scheduling their child's time, far from improving their lives, actually damages them. Scheduling an hour of free time strengthens their imagination. When children are free to concoct their own diversions, they develop passionate pastimes. As they play with dolls or toy horses, they make up stories. These stories are often deeply imaginative.”
Julia Cameron Quotes
“So much of our mythology around money centers on the illusion that if we had 'more,' we would be more comfortable and more able to access our creativity. But creativity and prosperity are spiritual matters, not fiscal ones.”
Julia Cameron Quotes
“'Faith and Will' sprang from my personal experience with passing through a dark spiritual time.”
Julia Cameron Quotes
“'Faith and Will' is aimed at the same readership as 'The Artist's Way.' The book is for spiritual seekers in all walks of life.”
Julia Cameron Quotes
“I think everybody encounters difficulty. It's just more pitched in some people.”
Julia Cameron Quotes
“My mother set us to an activity and let us be.”
Julia Cameron Quotes
“The tools of 'The Prosperous Heart' help people to embrace the life that they actually have, where they often find that they already have 'enough.'”

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