Julia Cameron Quotes & Sayings
58 most famous Julia Cameron quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 77 year old American author born on Mar 4, 1948.
“Spirituality can release blocks, lead you to ideas, and make your life artful. Sometimes when we pray for guidance, we're guided in unexpected directions. We may want a lofty answer and we get the intuition to clean our bedroom. It can seem so humble and picky and that you don't necessarily think of it spiritual guidance.”
“I believe that I am very lucky to have close friends who are faithful. From my friends, I have learned the importance of perseverance.”
“When we clear the physical clutter from our lives, we literally make way for inspiration and 'good, orderly direction' to enter.”
“Creativity is always a leap of faith. You're faced with a blank page, blank easel, or an empty stage.”
“Perfectionism is not a quest for the best. It is a pursuit of the worst in ourselves, the part that tells us that nothing we do will ever be good enough - that we should try again.”
“The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.”
“I believe that the 'dark night of the soul' is a common spiritual experience. I believe, too, that the answer is continued seeking and perseverance. It helps to know that others have endured a loss of faith.”
“I think that 'Floor Sample' is a story of resiliency, a lifelong spiritual search, and a lifelong sense of spiritual companionship that is most often expressed as creativity. My desire in writing the book was to step from behind the icon of 'Julia the teacher' and introduce 'Julia the artist.'”
“Growth is an erratic forward movement: two steps forward, one step back. Remember that and be very gentle with yourself.”
“What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us.”
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