Julia Garner Quotes & Sayings

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5 most famous Julia Garner quotes and sayings. She's a 31 year old American actress born on Feb 1, 1994.

Julia Garner Quotes
“For my senior year, I'm home schooled. It's working well with the acting. Juggling school with the acting is hard, but you know, what can you do?”
Julia Garner Quotes
“If you really love something, just continue doing it.”
“I think that the most important thing for me is, how is the character that I would be reading for? Is it interesting? Is there stuff to do? Are there things that you can do with the character? How can you play it out? Just those kinds of things that are very important for an actor. Also, a good director and good dialogue.”
Julia Garner Quotes
“I don't want anyone to expect anything from any of my films; I just want them to see it and then tell me what they think.”
“The thing that I look for in a script - I'm not looking for anything next because you never know where life's going to take you, so you can't just expect, 'I want to do this next.' So I'm not expecting anything; I'm just hoping.”

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