Julia Leigh Quotes & Sayings

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21 most famous Julia Leigh quotes and sayings (novelist). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Julia Leigh Quotes
“I think every single person perceives things differently. We are all singular.”
“I've never forgotten what it's like to be in your early twenties, which is not a particularly easy time. You've left your family, you've left the strictures of high school, and you're trying to break free and form yourself but you have to support yourself as well. We don't really give enough credence to that time of life and to its troubles.”
Julia Leigh Quotes
“To me, the question of inspiration is an exercise in hindsight. The truth is, inspiration is mysterious at the time. I don't think it's ever a rational process.”
Julia Leigh Quotes
“There is a difference between a voyeur and a tender witness. Maybe I think the audience is more of a tender witness than a voyeur, which has a shady undertone.”
Julia Leigh Quotes
“I do believe we're all adaptable, and you're probably more adaptable than you realize.”
Julia Leigh Quotes
“We stitch together our days and edit out our nights.”
Julia Leigh Quotes
“It's dangerous to think too much about how a film will be received. Filmmaking is not a popularity contest. Some would disagree.”
Julia Leigh Quotes
“One of the most ephemeral and important things is atmosphere and tone and it's very hard to put your finger on what creates that.”
Julia Leigh Quotes
“All this talk about writing is a little bit moot, because it is almost an unthinking process. It is actually a paradox because you are constantly making choices.”
Julia Leigh Quotes
“The most important thing is to have something important to say and finding the means to say it.”

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