Julie Walters Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Julie Walters quotes and sayings page 6 (75 year old actress). These are the last 4 out of 54 quotes we have for her.

Julie Walters Quotes
“I'm writing a novel about two actresses who go to New York, because that's what I know about. One has lost touch with reality, disappears and is picked up by a man.”
Julie Walters Quotes
“It wasn't being an alcoholic - it was going wild. It happened when I got famous. It was like having my teens in my early thirties: blotting out your life, not having to think about anything.”
Julie Walters Quotes
“It's getting better generally, daily, especially in TV, for women in acting; and age and looks count less. As more women come into the business. Change of any sort takes a long time to happen.”
Julie Walters Quotes
“Some of the most interesting questions needing to be asked today can best be asked on television, or on stage, and they can be wonderful, great dramas, but they won't necessarily be blockbusters.”

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