Kathryn Minshew Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Kathryn Minshew quotes and sayings page 2 (businesswoman). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 34 we have.
“We knew when we started the Daily Muse, we wanted a recruiting-focused business model rather than an advertising-focused one. We felt like publishers were being forced to go to more and more extreme lengths to monetize through advertising.”
“When talking to first-time entrepreneurs, I often ask them: 'How do you know that people want your product or service?' As you can expect, the answer is often that they don't yet, but will know once they launch. And they're right. That's why it's critical to launch as quickly as possible so you can get that feedback.”
“Keeping a 'CEO blog' or 'founder's blog' can be a great platform for engaging your users in a nontraditional way, reaching people outside of your product pitch and building rapport without selling them anything except a belief in your ideas.”
“Get your product in front of actual, living, breathing strangers. Your college roommate's approval does not mean there's market demand.”
“When you start a new company, you have to do it all. Yes, all of it.”
“Most weeks, I work 100-plus hours on TheMuse.com. There are definitions of 'work-life balance' that would say I have none.”
“So many of my rookie mistakes could have been avoided by first-hand exposure to other, more experienced technology entrepreneurs.”
“Thinking big is only one part of being a successful entrepreneur.”
“When The Daily Muse initially wanted to launch a job board, our first ideas were insanely (and needlessly) complex. We wanted to integrate with social networks, gather rich personal data to build predictive algorithms, and put together numerous cool visualization tools before launching out to the world. We were just sure users would love it!”
“You know, as most entrepreneurs do, that a company is only as good as its people. The hard part is actually building the team that will embody your company's culture and propel you forward.”
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