Kaye Elhardt Height Weight Age Birthplace Nationality


Kaye Elhardt full name
Kaye Valerie Elhardt
Kaye Elhardt birthplace
Los Angeles, California
Kaye Elhardt date of birth
August 28, 1935
Kaye Elhardt date of death
September 1, 2004
Kaye Elhardt location of death
Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Kaye Elhardt cause of death
Not available
Kaye Elhardt zodiac
Kaye Elhardt ethnicity / ethnic background
Not available
Kaye Elhardt nationality
Kaye Elhardt religion
Not available
Was Kaye Elhardt gay?
Not available

2025 Body stats

Kaye Elhardt weight
Not available
Kaye Elhardt height
Not available

Education background

Kaye Elhardt high school
Not available
Kaye Elhardt college
Loyola University


Kaye Elhardt job


Kaye Elhardt
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