Kelly Stables Quotes & Sayings
7 most famous Kelly Stables quotes and sayings. She's a 47 year old American actress born on Jan 26, 1978.
“Like many actors, I started off as a monkey. My first job ever was as an extra in Tim Burton's 'Planet of the Apes.' I'm the tiny little monkey in the background. I met Rick Baker doing that - then, because of my size and the fact I was older than 18, he figured I could double Daveigh Chase in 'The Ring.'”
“When I was a little girl, the only real form of entertainment I was exposed to was theater, being raised in St. Louis, and I still love theater, and I think sitcoms are similar to that, in there's a live audience, and you know, I definitely like the comedy of it, too. I like to make people laugh, and I definitely think laughter is healing.”
“Wearing a monkey suit really lets you know where you stand as an actor.”
“I was fortunate enough to book a pilot, and we just got picked up for a midseason replacement for ABC. It's called 'Romantically Challenged,' and I'm going to be playing Alyssa Milano's little sister. The other actor in it is Kyle Bornheimer from 'Worst Week' - he's hilarious.”
“I'm at the stage in my pregnancy where I don't feel pregnant. You feel very, 'Oh yeah, I'm pregnant,' because you're over the morning sickness and it's not too uncomfortable. It's fun.”
“I love saying dialogue and creating a full character more than just being physical. But I always end up doing physical stuff in my roles.”
“I love the show tunes; I love all of them.”
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