Kiefer Sutherland Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Kiefer Sutherland quotes and sayings page 5 (58 year old actor). These are the last 7 out of 47 quotes we have for him.

Kiefer Sutherland Quotes
“Youth is an amazing thing: I think back on when we did The Lost Boys, and I didn't think I could do anything wrong.”
Kiefer Sutherland Quotes
“The biggest mistakes I made in my career were when I said, 'If I do this movie, I'll be able to do a couple more movies.' Those are the times I really got ugly.”
Kiefer Sutherland Quotes
“Some people think it's because '24' was jump-started by what happened on 9/11. That was never why we made the show. We started production six months prior to 9/11, and we'd already done ten episodes.”
Kiefer Sutherland Quotes
“There's a confidence that comes from youth and not knowing better. But there comes a point, as an actor, when you do know better, and that is when the fear starts.”
“When I started, with films like 'The Bay Boy' and 'Stand by Me', I look back on those interviews and I'm amazed; there's no mention of my father; it's not even 'son of Donald Sutherland.' I caught a bit of a break in that it never felt like a weight to me.”
“When Julia and I broke up and I was really scared to go into a market or anywhere because I thought, 'Oh God, everyone must hate me. And that wasn't the case. People said, 'I'm sorry this happened, man. Are you alright?'”
Kiefer Sutherland Quotes
“You can't ask the press to service you with everything that they have and not expect some of the other stuff in return if you're going to live your life like I have.”

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