Kyle Kinane Quotes & Sayings

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22 most famous Kyle Kinane quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 49 year old American comedian born on Jan 8, 1976.

Kyle Kinane Quotes
“The time that I have on this earth should just be filled with good times.”
Kyle Kinane Quotes
“The exciting part about life is finding out what you can't do, because you don't find out until you try to do something and you're stopped.”
Kyle Kinane Quotes
“I was raised Catholic in the Midwest, so I can't enjoy anything.”
Kyle Kinane Quotes
“I'm glad I'm a comedian. Otherwise, my life would just be a series of undocumented low points.”
“I like to challenge myself not to be negative, because it's easy to take comedy to a negative place and criticize the outside world. Trying to praise something through comedy or be appreciative and making jokes about it is more challenging than cutting things down.”
“I think the problems with comedians that are political, and there are some brilliant ones, are the ones that offer no solutions. Not that there's a moral obligation for a comic to fix things, but I like to see a comic that's upset about something and offer a solution. It can be a funny solution. I like to see the thought process.”
Kyle Kinane Quotes
“I now get to have the life I wanted when I was 18 years old. Now, I'm like, 'I can buy any skateboard I want.'”
Kyle Kinane Quotes
“Sometimes your dreams come true, and it's a real drag.”
Kyle Kinane Quotes
“I am somehow allowed by the universe to do exactly what I want to do to make a living.”
Kyle Kinane Quotes
“I know what I like, and I'm not trying to adapt to new things.”

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