Kyle MacLachlan Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Kyle MacLachlan quotes and sayings page 6 (66 year old actor). These are the last 10 out of 60 quotes we have for him.

“I have olive trees and have tried my hand at curing small batches of olives, with varying degrees of success. So sometimes there are leftover olives I use in pasta sauce because they didn't quite make the grade.”
Kyle MacLachlan Quotes
“I like to go and watch 'Blade Runner,' which made no sense but which I loved going into that world. I think people loved going into the world of 'Dune' with all of its problems.”
“I originally wanted to be an opera singer. I studied classical voice at the University of Washington but soon realised I didn't have the instrument or the discipline. The road for opera singers is more difficult than for actors.”
“I try to travel as light as possible to avoid baggage issues. Los Angeles airport is notorious for baggage delays, so I'll often FedEx a suitcase ahead or back so I don't need to stand around; it also minimises problems at check-in.”
“I'm proud of 'The Hidden.' I feel like we took a B-movie and kind of turned it into an A-minus action movie. We kind of elevated the material a little bit. It's got a great car-chase scene at the very beginning. It has some terrific moments in it, some funny stuff. It's a great rental.”
“Looking at 70 from 49, I don't see it slowing me down. Maybe I'll need a nap during the day! I'm thinking when I'm 85 I'll settle down a bit. But I'm going to fight, kicking and screaming, every step of the way.”
“The fact 'Twin Peaks' had a life at all took most of us in the cast by surprise. We thought it would be too unusual for network television. The original intention was that it would be a two-hour movie. If the network didn't want to pick it up as a series, it could just show that. But ABC took a chance.”
“We shot some stuff for 'Sex and the City' on the street outside of Tiffany's, which was always crazy. We were doing something where Charlotte and my character were looking at wedding things. We were trying to do it really underground, guerrilla filmmaking, but word got out. There were people standing across the street waving to the camera.”
“When the audience first sees Cooper talking into his tape recorder at the beginning of 'Twin Peaks,' I think that's the greatest introduction to a character I've seen in my career. It tells you everything about the guy right there in a few minutes as well as bringing up a whole load of questions.”
Kyle MacLachlan Quotes
“Working on 'Housewives' was very similar to 'Sex and the City.' Different cities, of course, but a high level of talent in the writing and acting on both!”

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