Lafcadio Hearn Quotes & Sayings

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33 most famous Lafcadio Hearn quotes and sayings (author). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Lafcadio Hearn Quotes
“It has been wisely observed by the greatest of modern thinkers that mankind has progressed more rapidly in every other respect than in morality.”
Lafcadio Hearn Quotes
“But what is after all the happiness of mere power? There is a greater happiness possible than to be lord of heaven and earth; that is the happiness of being truly loved.”
Lafcadio Hearn Quotes
“A great many things which in times of lesser knowledge we imagined to be superstitious or useless, prove today on examination to have been of immense value to mankind.”
Lafcadio Hearn Quotes
“The highest duty of the man is not to his father, but to his wife; and for the sake of that woman he abandons all other earthly ties, should any of these happen to interfere with that relation.”
“But every great scripture, whether Hebrew, Indian, Persian, or Chinese, apart from its religious value will be found to have some rare and special beauty of its own; and in this respect the original Bible stands very high as a monument of sublime poetry and of artistic prose.”
Lafcadio Hearn Quotes
“As a result, the highly civilized man can endure incomparably more than the savage, whether of moral or physical strain. Being better able to control himself under all circumstances, he has a great advantage over the savage.”
Lafcadio Hearn Quotes
“The time of illusion, then, is the beautiful moment of passion; it represents the artistic zone in which the poet or romance writer ought to be free to do the very best that he can.”
Lafcadio Hearn Quotes
“To ancient Chinese fancy, the Milky Way was a luminous river, - the River of Heaven, - the Silver Stream.”
“The great principle of Western society is that competition rules here as it rules in everything else. The best man - that is to say, the strongest and cleverest - is likely to get the best woman, in the sense of the most beautiful person.”
Lafcadio Hearn Quotes
“Broad tolerance in the matter of beliefs is necessarily a part of the new ethics.”

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