Lasse Hallstrom Quotes & Sayings

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30 most famous Lasse Hallstrom quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 78 year old Swedish director born on Jun 30, 1946.

Lasse Hallstrom Quotes
“My father would tell anyone who would listen that this dentist thing he was doing was not his passion; cinematography was.”
Lasse Hallstrom Quotes
“I can't go back and label myself as an outcast because I was a pretty well-adjusted kid, but I can certainly relate to the feeling of being an outsider.”
Lasse Hallstrom Quotes
“I always need a couple of highlights to really spark the passion for a project.”
Lasse Hallstrom Quotes
“I think I avoid stepping into sentimentality by trying to be as truthful as possible with performances.”
Lasse Hallstrom Quotes
“My key interest in choosing scripts is character-driven stories, because there are so many stories that sacrifice character for plot.”
Lasse Hallstrom Quotes
“A film that is bleached tends to have a more realistic quality.”
Lasse Hallstrom Quotes
“I'm on this diet where you're supposed to eat only fish and meat.”
Lasse Hallstrom Quotes
“My films do have characters who have trouble escaping the world around them.”
Lasse Hallstrom Quotes
“But I notice that there is a lack of darkness in my movies and I don't know where that comes from.”
Lasse Hallstrom Quotes
“Cinema has become a global economy, totally international.”

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