Laura Marling Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Laura Marling quotes and sayings page 3 (35 year old musician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 40 we have for her.
“I love the way you can fall in love with a piece of literature; how words alone can get your heart doing that.”
“I'd like to make music for as long as I can; it feels like something I need to do.”
“I'd prefer to be good, but I'm not always. I struggle.”
“I'm a lot more observational than personal in my writing. My writing is mostly a lot of questions without answers.”
“People think I look odd onstage. But the way I deal with being incredibly nervous is by concentrating really hard.”
“I just think of everything I do and how happy it will make me to do it. I don't like having my photograph taken, for instance, so I don't do that often.”
“Now that I'm feeling the responsibilities of adulthood, the choices we make become an incredible weight.”
“When I'm singing I feel like I'm talking to someone. I'm in conversation when I perform - either with myself or with whomever is listening.”
“I'm a songwriter, and I understand artistic licence. We can embellish, go on little journeys and explore our inner selves. It can be quite self-indulgent.”
“I am slightly fascinated by the question of whether humanity is capable of change. I may have come to the conclusion that we're not, but we keep trying.”
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