Leland Ryken Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Leland Ryken quotes and sayings page 2 (educator). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 21 we have.

Leland Ryken Quotes
“In Puritan thinking, the Christian life was a heroic venture, requiring a full quota of energy.”
Leland Ryken Quotes
“Stressing the God-centered life can lead to an otherworldly withdrawal from everyday earthly life.”
Leland Ryken Quotes
“The goal of Bible translation is be transparent to the original text - to see as clearly as possible what the biblical authors actually wrote.”
Leland Ryken Quotes
“Literature incarnates its meanings as concretely as possible. The knowledge that literature gives of a subject is the kind of knowledge that is obtained by (vicariously) living through an experience.”
“My claim is simply that the literary approach is one necessary way to read and interpret the Bible, an approach that has been unjustifiably neglected. Despite that neglect, the literary approach builds at every turn on what biblical scholars have done to recover the original, intended meaning of the biblical text.”
Leland Ryken Quotes
“Readers should aspire to what is excellent. They should refuse to read a substitute Bible. They should want a Bible that calls them to their higher selves - or to something higher than their current level of attainment.”
Leland Ryken Quotes
“The Bible is obviously a mixed book. Literary and nonliterary (expository, explanatory) writing exist side by side within the covers of this unique book.”
Leland Ryken Quotes
“The oldest theory of art belongs to the Greeks, who regarded art as an imitation (mimesis) of reality. The strength of that theory is that it explains the way in which art takes its materials from real life.”
“There is a quiet revolution going on in the study of the Bible. At its center is a growing awareness that the Bible is a work of literature and that the methods of literary scholarship are a necessary part of any complete study of the Bible.”
Leland Ryken Quotes
“The Puritans were obsessed with the dangers of wealth.”

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