Leonard Slatkin Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Leonard Slatkin quotes and sayings page 2 (celebrity). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 26 we have.
“People know Detroit for the cars, but the suburban areas of the city are really beautiful. It's much more inhabitable than people think. Many believe it's like Berlin at the end of World War II.”
“Growing up in Hollywood, like I did, I have a passion and a love for the movies, so I go to the cinema all the time.”
“How could a New Yorker possibly take something called the Hollywood String Quartet seriously?”
“I have been long associated with British music. I have favoured it as my alternate music next to American.”
“I'll know I'm reaching the total American market when I'm asked to do a video for MTV.”
“There is no 'perfect' in music. If I ever came off the stage and felt it could not be better, it would then be time to quit.”
“There's not an orchestra in the world that doesn't have weaknesses. None of us can play everything well. The repertoire is just too big.”
“We are a global society, and one does not have to be from Germany to give a great performance of Beethoven.”
“I don't really think about retiring. I will retire just before people start saying, 'I knew Leonard Slatkin when he conducted well.'”
“A music director cannot and should not be chosen on the basis of a first date. It is not so difficult to make a good impression with a single appearance, usually containing some of a conductor's party pieces, works they have performed successfully many times before.”
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