Linda McMahon Quotes & Sayings

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12 most famous Linda McMahon quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 76 year old American businesswoman born on Oct 4, 1948.

Linda McMahon Quotes
“While they're in WWE, we absolutely have a health and wellness policy. I'll probably always say 'we,' even though I've resigned as the CEO. It's kind of hard to break a 30-year habit.”
“I thought I was answering a question that I had heard that was about increasing the minimum wage - would I consider that. So let me just go on record and say this: I am not for decreasing the minimum wage. I did not say that and that is not something I would consider.”
“You know, the state of Connecticut is... sometimes it's a provincial state. And I've been working very hard to get the endorsement of the people within our state, and ultimately, the ultimate endorsement is from the voters in the state of Connecticut.”
Linda McMahon Quotes
“It's unfortunate, you know, that you can't change people's - habits, their personal habits.”
Linda McMahon Quotes
“You have to think about the WWE as soap operas.”
Linda McMahon Quotes
“I'm going to continue to talk about what is important to the people of Connecticut which is jobs, getting people back to work, the economy.”
Linda McMahon Quotes
“I certainly think you could look at the business side of how WWE was run, which was as a conservative company with little debt and strong cash balance.”
Linda McMahon Quotes
“I don't know Gov. Palin. I've certainly seen her, since she came on the scene, you know, running with John McCain.”
Linda McMahon Quotes
“I have said from the beginning, I would spend what it would take for the people of Connecticut to know who I am and what I stand for.”
Linda McMahon Quotes
“It was acting, and WWE is the longest-running weekly episodic program in television. Sure, there are story lines that are better than others.”

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