Lisa Marie Presley Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Lisa Marie Presley quotes and sayings page 5 (57 year old musician). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 66 we have for her.

Lisa Marie Presley Quotes
“I was always writing music anyway. I just sort of fell into it. Writing for me is a therapeutic process.”
Lisa Marie Presley Quotes
“I work because I think that I wouldn't feel good about myself unless I was contributing.”
Lisa Marie Presley Quotes
“I'm a lot of work.”
Lisa Marie Presley Quotes
“I'm not doing this to be a pop star. I've had plenty of money and attention. I'm doing it for credibility.”
Lisa Marie Presley Quotes
“I'm one of those people that, if I hear about something happening, I go crazy. I want to go help.”
Lisa Marie Presley Quotes
“I've been through a lot of stuff.”
Lisa Marie Presley Quotes
“I've been through so much in my life. I've seen so much. I know how fast things can change. I know someone can be here one minute and gone the next.”
Lisa Marie Presley Quotes
“I've never even been out of my BMI range. I'm 5-foot-3. If I gain five pounds, it shows.”
Lisa Marie Presley Quotes
“If you lined up everyone I've ever dated, you wouldn't see any similarities.”
Lisa Marie Presley Quotes
“Mostly singing was cathartic, writing was cathartic, therapeutic. I don't think I had a goal, particularly, to sing or put it out there for anybody.”

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