Lou Diamond Phillips Quotes & Sayings

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8 most famous Lou Diamond Phillips quotes and sayings. He's a 63 year old Filipino actor born on Feb 17, 1962.

Lou Diamond Phillips Quotes
“Although a lot of pain for a little screen time; Shaving legs, waxing eyebrows, high heels, trying to put on a bra, losing weight because women's clothes are SO revealing - Ladies you have my respect.”
Lou Diamond Phillips Quotes
“Simply surviving in this business is a feat.”
Lou Diamond Phillips Quotes
“Approach every film with the same enthusiasm, regardless of its budget.”
Lou Diamond Phillips Quotes
“It's easier to stay in shape than to fluctuate.”
Lou Diamond Phillips Quotes
“Sidney Poitier, who is class personified, said: 'Lou, you're a leading man because you're a good actor.' Brought tears to my eyes.”
Lou Diamond Phillips Quotes
“Sometimes I only hope to make a good popcorn movie.”
“Hollywood will put you in a box, so to speak. Some people will have seen you in 'La Bamba' or another dramatic film and think, 'Okay, that's what Lou does.' But they don't really have an idea of the range or diversity that I can bring to a project.”
Lou Diamond Phillips Quotes
“I'm an actor first and foremost; it's my first love and passion.”

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