Louis Leakey Quotes & Sayings
23 most famous Louis Leakey quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He was a Kenyan scientist who passed away on 1 October, 1972.
“The majority of people in Angola were not provided with any kind of schooling and were completely illiterate, very badly paid, and treated almost as slaves.”
“I put a bullet into the back of the crocodile's neck just behind the head, thus killing it. If a crocodile is hit in any other part of its anatomy it disappears into the water and is irrecoverable.”
“I have examined the stomach contents of seven aardvarks.”
“There is tragic evidence to show that the paintings at the French prehistoric art sites are deteriorating.”
“Although we followed that hyena for the best part of half an hour, we never caught up with it.”
“The author knows just what he wants to illustrate and how he would like it to be done.”
“Far too often animals are put to sleep when they could be saved through proper care and nursing.”
“At Olduvai, for 20 years, Mary and I had investigated and made a general survey of the overall geology.”
“I kept an open mind on the question of whether a hominid had been present in Europe in the early Pleistocene.”
“Raising funds for my fourth expedition proved to be very difficult.”
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