Lucius Annaeus Seneca Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)
Lucius Annaeus Seneca quotes and sayings page 6 (statesman). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 125 we have.
“Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.”
“The first step in a person's salvation is knowledge of their sin.”
“Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands.”
“For many men, the acquisition of wealth does not end their troubles, it only changes them.”
“There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage.”
“It is more fitting for a man to laugh at life than to lament over it.”
“The good things of prosperity are to be wished; but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.”
“He who dreads hostility too much is unfit to rule.”
“You must live for another if you wish to live for yourself.”
“A well governed appetite is the greater part of liberty.”
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