Lucy Larcom Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Lucy Larcom quotes and sayings page 2 (poet). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 39 we have.

“Whether rich or poor, a home is not a home unless the roots of love are ever striking deeper through the crust of the earthly and the conventional, into the very realities of being, not consciously always; seldom, perhaps; the simplicity of loving grows by living simply near nature and God.”
Lucy Larcom Quotes
“I am willing to make any part of my life public, if it will help others.”
Lucy Larcom Quotes
“Rich or poor, every child comes into the world with some imperative need of its own, which shapes its individuality.”
Lucy Larcom Quotes
“Religion is life inspired by Heavenly Love; and life is something fresh and cheerful and vigorous.”
Lucy Larcom Quotes
“Whatever science and philosophy may do for mankind, the world can never outgrow its need of the simplicity that is in Christ.”
Lucy Larcom Quotes
“Labor, in itself, is neither elevating or otherwise. It is the laborer's privilege to ennoble his work by the aim with which he undertakes it, and by the enthusiasm and faithfulness he puts into it.”
“The soul, cramped among the petty vexations of Earth, needs to keep its windows constantly open to the invigorating air of large and free ideas: and what thought is so grand as that of an ever-present God, in whom all that is vital in humanity breathes and grows?”
Lucy Larcom Quotes
“A friend is a beloved mystery; dearest always because he is not ourself, and has something in him which it is impossible for us to fathom. If it were not so, friendship would lose its chief zest.”
“Girls especially are fond of exchanging confidences with those whom they think they can trust; it is one of the most charming traits of a simple, earnest-hearted girlhood, and they are the happiest women who never lose it entirely.”
“Let us not depreciate Earth. There is no atom in it but is alive and astir in the all-penetrating splendor of God. From the infinitesimal to the infinite, everything is striving to express the thought of His Presence with which it overflows.”

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