Mahesh Babu Quotes & Sayings

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13 most famous Mahesh Babu quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 49 year old Indian actor born on Aug 9, 1974.

“I struggled to kick the habit - I would make a decision to give up smoking, but it was hard. I couldn't resist the urge to steal a smoke. It was at that time that I was gifted Allen Carr's book 'The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.' After I read that book, I didn't touch a fag again.”
Mahesh Babu Quotes
“Being a father is the most important thing, if you ask me. It changed me as a person and gave me an all new life.”
“The only thing I have learnt over the years is that if you enjoy your work and put in the best efforts, it will show. If you follow this process, things work out. But if you go chasing a formula, success will elude you.”
Mahesh Babu Quotes
“I don't have any dream role. I give my 100% to every character I play, and when the film clicks, it automatically becomes a dream role.”
Mahesh Babu Quotes
“Stress and looks are directly connected as far as I am concerned. If you are happy, you look good.”
Mahesh Babu Quotes
“As long as I am acting, I will do only Telugu films. I want to take Telugu films to the world. Everyone should talk about our films.”
“Over the years, with all the experience, I've become more mature about the subjects I pick. I have a better understanding of what works at the box office. Once the story is finalised, I surrender to the director and follow him. After that, my performances speak for themselves.”
“When my film flops, I believe it is my mistake. There have been times when I didn't come out of my house because my films didn't do well. I lock myself in for months. I don't talk to people. I feel bad for producer, director, for those who lost money. It's never about myself or my career alone.”
Mahesh Babu Quotes
“I always believe that one can't interfere in another's work. Once I start work on any film, I surrender myself completely and blindly follow the director.”
“When I work on a movie, I never aim for records, collections or the number one position. I always concentrate on my work and look for ways to improve my acting abilities. I also advise my co-stars not to concentrate on these pretty issues and just focus on acting.”

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