Major Owens Quotes & Sayings

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38 most famous Major Owens quotes and sayings (politician). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Major Owens Quotes
“What is our greatest enemy? Segregation.”
Major Owens Quotes
“Competition is such a virtue, and everybody's so busy competing, they have no time for compassion.”
“People didn't always see a person with a disability who had to use a ramp or elevator as people who have been given unnecessary privileges. But I run into that often now. People are saying, 'Why do we have to go to great expense for these people?'”
Major Owens Quotes
“You have no power at all if you do not exercise constant power.”
“It was the best route to get folks to understand segregation fast. Civil rights and women's rights had a clear history. Making the transition to rights for people with disabilities became easier because we had the history of the other two.”
“There's a kind of sick security some people get out of keeping away from people with disabilities. They are running away from any situation that's not totally pure and all-American and that requires them to do any thinking.”
Major Owens Quotes
“Children are already accustomed to a world that moves faster and is more exciting than anything a teacher in front of a classroom can do.”
“It's a sad day when the leaders of the free world engage in such deception and trickery. I voted against this unnecessary war and will continue to argue that the best way to support our troops is to bring them home.”
Major Owens Quotes
“High gas prices are eating away at consumer's disposal income and could lead to a further economic downturn, especially for those whose livelihood depend on gasoline and diesel fuel.”
Major Owens Quotes
“Education technology and school construction go together. Modernization, updating education facilities, and making a capital investment in education are all included.”

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