Wow so she once weighed 177 lbs. before losing the 50 lbs... I think she would be more convincing on her commercials if she looked more wash board toned instead of looking stuffed after a big meal ! 27' waistline , & size 6 seam a little big for a celebrity making money on her figure unless she's going for plus size which 120 lbs. is to light for! I guees i am just jealous because during my first 40 yrs of life ( or as early at age 5 you're too skinny ) lots of woman told me to gain weight without ever paying me when i finally did fatten up! Now woman plus nurses, & doctors are telling me to lose weight without dangling big money in my face! h**l because of big bullies, a late 5 inch growth spert at age 19, & a metabolism change. Hey i would be more than happy to still be 5' 3" 105 lbs. with my once freakish ( for a guy) 25 inch waistline! I was actually trying to gain weight from age 10 all the way to the present age 57 until 6 weeds ago ! I was 227 lbs. {on my scale} on Thanksgiving 2015 an now i am 211 lbs. {on my scale) !
Wow so she once weighed 177 lbs. before losing the 50 lbs... I think she would be more convincing on her commercials if she looked more wash board toned instead of looking stuffed after a big meal ! 27' waistline , & size 6 seam a little big for a celebrity making money on her figure unless she's going for plus size which 120 lbs. is to light for! I guees i am just jealous because during my first 40 yrs of life ( or as early at age 5 you're too skinny ) lots of woman told me to gain weight without ever paying me when i finally did fatten up! Now woman plus nurses, & doctors are telling me to lose weight without dangling big money in my face! h**l because of big bullies, a late 5 inch growth spert at age 19, & a metabolism change. Hey i would be more than happy to still be 5' 3" 105 lbs. with my once freakish ( for a guy) 25 inch waistline! I was actually trying to gain weight from age 10 all the way to the present age 57 until 6 weeds ago ! I was 227 lbs. {on my scale} on Thanksgiving 2015 an now i am 211 lbs. {on my scale) !