Marilyn vos Savant Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Marilyn vos Savant quotes and sayings page 6 (writer). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 87 we have.

Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“No one would choose to be jerked randomly off task again and again until you have half a dozen things you're trying to get done, all at the same time.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Be able to go shopping for a bathing suit and not become depressed afterward.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Know how to effectively voice a complaint or make a claim at a retail store.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Be able to meet any deadline, even if your work is done less well than it would be if you had all the time you would have preferred.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Be able to live alone, even if you don't want to and think you will never find it necessary.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“The freedom to be an individual is the essence of America.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Be able to recognize when you're reading or hearing material biased to your own side.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“I would not encourage children or teens to multitask because we don't know where those efforts may lead.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Know why certain foods, such as truffles, are expensive. It's not because they taste best.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Society needs people who can manage projects in addition to handling individual tasks.”

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