Marilyn vos Savant Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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Marilyn vos Savant quotes and sayings page 8 (writer). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 87 we have.

Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Have you ever noticed that when you must struggle to hear something, you close your eyes?”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Know how to behave at a fine restaurant, which is a telltale measure of social maturity.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Be able to decline a date so gracefully that the person isn't embarrassed that he or she asked.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Be able to hiccup silently, or at least without alerting neighbors to your situation. The first hiccup is an exception.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Know how to travel from your town to a nearby town without a car, either by bus or by rail.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Be able to identify the most common breeds of dogs and cats on sight.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Know how to behave at a buffet. Take a clean plate for a second helping.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Be able to describe anything visual, such as a street scene, in words that convey your meaning.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Be able to keep a secret or promise when you know in your heart that it is the right thing to do.”
Marilyn vos Savant Quotes
“Know how to treat frostbite until you can get indoors.”

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