Marina Abramovic Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)
Marina Abramovic quotes and sayings page 5 (78 year old artist). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 94 we have for her.
“The most revolutionary ideas are not sellable, but only mind-changing.”
“All my inspiration comes from life. That's how it never stops, in a way.”
“Every party is the same, too many people, too little food, and you have to wait around. I'm extremely bored with parties.”
“For me, performance is a holy ground. When I perform, I really step into a different state of consciousness.”
“I'm interested in asking: 'What does feminine energy mean?' I don't have answers - I just have questions and interesting examples.”
“You know, James Franco is one of the most interesting figures because he has no rules. He breaks all the borders.”
“I am not a therapist. I am not a spiritual leader. These elements are in the art: it is therapeutic, spiritual, social and political - everything. It has many layers. But art has to have many layers. If it doesn't, then forget it.”
“Woody Allen has a wonderful line: 'Today I'm a star. What will I be tomorrow? A black hole?' That's very important to know - that you have the moment, then you lose the moment. You have to see your chances, you have to take them, and you also have to see when you don't have chances to take.”
“I believe that life is shorter; that is why we have to make experience longer.”
“I believe the artist has an obligation to society.”
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