Marshall Herskovitz Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Marshall Herskovitz quotes and sayings page 2 (73 year old director). These are the last 8 out of 18 quotes we have for him.

“Remember: the ratings system is a voluntary infringement of First Amendment rights, an uneasy bargain between the needs of parents, the needs of artists, and the needs of large media corporations to make profits. Any time we chip away at the First Amendment, we should at least do it with some reverence.”
“After I graduated from Brandeis, I took all the money I had in the world, which was $5,000, and I made a short film. I made every mistake you could possibly make. It was a total disaster as a piece of work, and yet, you know, it was ambitious in some way.”
Marshall Herskovitz Quotes
“The pilot system in television is utterly broken. It's a huge waste of money.”
Marshall Herskovitz Quotes
“The producer is at the center of entertainment. The producer is being forgotten, and producers must seize the center of activity.”
“It's interesting: I went 25 years without watching a single television show. I was one of those people, because I was so inside how a television show was made, if I would turn on somebody else's show, I would sit there and analyze it, like, 'Oh, so they had four hours in this location and had to get out and the number of set-ups, etc.'”
“OK, I have to admit that I go on That guy is so funny, he's just so funny... you know, I'm a news junkie, so I regularly flip between,, and a site that's called, which shows me six different news feeds. And I go on about once a day.”
Marshall Herskovitz Quotes
“The further I've gotten into the Internet, the more I've become convinced that we've explored only a tiny corner of what it can mean and what we can feel there.”
Marshall Herskovitz Quotes
“The world is filled with terrible things that can influence children, and movies have depicted them since time immemorial. Should every terrible thing warrant an R-rating?”

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