Mary J. Blige Quotes & Sayings

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129 most famous Mary J. Blige quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 54 year old American musician born on Jan 11, 1971.

Mary J. Blige Quotes
“I know who I am. I am not perfect. I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world. But I'm one of them.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“There's so many things that life is, and no matter how many breakthroughs, trials will exist and we're going to get through it. Just be strong.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“You can't get around pain and opposition, but you can try to be joyful in the trial, and thank yourself for the trial, and thank God for the strength to get through it.”
“So as long as I'm a human being and I'm not perfect, I'm able to say I'm having some growing pains. Because in order to sustain where you are once you made such a breakthrough that everyone is looking at you, now everyone is like, 'Ooh, is she gonna make a mistake?' Yes, I'm going to make a mistake. Yes, I'm still gonna do things.”
“Just don't let the hype of what people are saying and how much they love you, y'know, just take the compliment and be thankful that people are complimenting you, but don't let it consume you; don't let your circumstances around you and the way people view you make you act a certain way.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“It hurts when you have to smile and you don't want to smile, but the best thing to do is to smile.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“Believe in yourself when nobody else does.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“I wish I had known that education is the key. That knowledge is power. Now I pick up books and watch educational shows with my husband. I'm seeing how knowledge can elevate you.”
“In the inner city, there's a mentality that the government owes you something. My breakthrough came when I stopped feeling sorry for myself and took responsibility for every part of my life. No more pity parties. I've gotta love me more than anybody else loves me.”
“Thank you so much for supporting me from the day I stepped foot into the music industry. It really means something to me to have Maya Angelou speak on my behalf. It also means a lot to have Oprah on my speed dial!”

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