Mary J. Blige Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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Mary J. Blige quotes and sayings page 8 (54 year old musician). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 129 we have for her.

“So many people are like, 'I'm perfect.' I'm so imperfect; that's why I'm able to let everything out and let people see everything. 'Cause I'm just a mess like every other person that's a mess out there.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“For the first time in my life, I'm proud of myself.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“When I was a child I didn't care about getting an education, and I didn't finish high school.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“Without your health, everything else means nothing.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“You either learn from your experiences or go back and do the same thing, and I learned from my experiences.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“I like hanging out with me, and I've accepted everything about me good, bad whatever it is. That's why I'm able to, that's why no one can tell me anything negative about myself.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“You know a lot, but you don't know everything.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“I can't just make a song people can dance in a club to... it still has to be real.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“I wish I had an extra day with my mom sometimes. Or another hour in the day with my family, husband and children.”
Mary J. Blige Quotes
“Sometimes I frown and I don't realise it.”

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