Mary Pierce Quotes & Sayings

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18 most famous Mary Pierce quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 50 year old Canadian athlete born on Jan 15, 1975.

Mary Pierce Quotes
“Sometimes things aren't clear right away. That's where you need to be patient and persevere and see where things lead.”
Mary Pierce Quotes
“My life off the court has changed. I'm feeling good inside, so I guess it shows on the outside too.”
“I'm a different person off the court than I am on the court, where I'm very competitive, a perfectionist, and I can be hard on myself sometimes. Off the court, nothing really bothers me. I'm easy-going.”
Mary Pierce Quotes
“I definitely need clarity.”
Mary Pierce Quotes
“Its super to play with Martina, and she has huge amounts of talent. We have a lot of fun.”
Mary Pierce Quotes
“After I lost the first set, I was like, 'OK, I need to get help because I can't play this way.'”
Mary Pierce Quotes
“I'm healthy now. I probably wouldn't say I'm at my best fitness level and I haven't played that much lately, but I'm healthy and that's all that matters.”
Mary Pierce Quotes
“Winning a Grand Slam changes everything. There is so much off-court stuff to deal with. And there are expectations of keeping it going that make it tough.”
Mary Pierce Quotes
“I like to go on the court and have a little bit of information about my opponent.”
Mary Pierce Quotes
“I pondered what I should do and wasn't sure. Then it just finally became clear.”

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