Marya Hornbacher Quotes & Sayings

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17 most famous Marya Hornbacher quotes and sayings (author). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

“It's really interesting to me how all of us can experience the exact same event, and yet come away with wildly disparate interpretations of what happened. We each have totally different ideas of what was said, what was intended, and what really took place.”
“There's childhood and early onset bipolar, but it transitions in your early adulthood into something a little bit different, and extremely severe. It was at that time that my impulse control just went out the window. Impulse control when you're manic just disappears.”
Marya Hornbacher Quotes
“You can only whine for so long. Then you need to get your life back.”
“I have a type of bipolar that swings up and down all day long. There are significant mood swings within a day, within a week, within a month. I go through at least four major episodes a year. That's really the definition of bipolar rapid cycle. But I have ultra-rapid, so I have tiny little episodes all day long.”
“I am often drawn to what appear at first to be 'dark' or 'difficult' subjects, but which, upon further examination, are always and only reflections of the ways human beings attempt, however clumsily, badly, or well, to connect with others.”
Marya Hornbacher Quotes
“Anorexia and bulimia seem to be getting much more common in boys, men, and women of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds; they are also becoming more common in racial groups previously thought to be impervious to the problem.”
Marya Hornbacher Quotes
“I think many people with a chronic illness would prefer not to have their chronic illness, simply because it's high maintenance.”
Marya Hornbacher Quotes
“My parents say that even as a very, very little kid, the way that I acted was dramatically different from other little kids.”
Marya Hornbacher Quotes
“You can't teach an ear, you can't teach talent, but you can teach people who have those things not to just fly by the seat of their pants.”
Marya Hornbacher Quotes
“When you deal with nonfiction you deal with human characters.”

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