Max Hastings Quotes & Sayings

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13 most famous Max Hastings quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 79 year old British journalist born on Dec 28, 1945.

“There was no doubt that in the early and mid-eighties that many of us in broadsheet newspapers felt that we still had a responsibility to try to protect the Royal Family or if you like protect the Monarchy from the assaults of the media.”
Max Hastings Quotes
“A Tory government with a decent mandate seems the only hope of tackling the fiscal catastrophe responsibly.”
Max Hastings Quotes
“I would have been a disastrous soldier.”
Max Hastings Quotes
“I would be miserable if I went to bed without having written 1,000 words about something.”
Max Hastings Quotes
“People who get on at school are the ones who play by the rules, and no one's going to get far in later life playing by the system.”
Max Hastings Quotes
“When I am fishing, I think quite a lot about the fish, but I also think about the book I'm writing.”
Max Hastings Quotes
“I'm a passionate monarchist.”
Max Hastings Quotes
“I'm a wet liberal really, and always have been. But I'm sort of an aggressive wet liberal.”
Max Hastings Quotes
“It's miraculous how much easier the computer has made my sort of work.”
Max Hastings Quotes
“We're taking part in a divine comedy and we should realise that the play is always a comedy, in that we're all ultimately ridiculous.”

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