Meg Rosoff Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Meg Rosoff quotes and sayings page 2 (writer). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 43 we have.
“My daughter is a fantastic travelling companion - she's totally organised, whereas I'm hopeless.”
“Contrary to popular belief, editors and agents are gagging for good books.”
“I think most people struggle over a matter of years to find a satisfying way to live.”
“I loved horses and horse books as a child.”
“My younger sister Debby had died of cancer, which started me writing - the sense of life being short. Cancer focuses your mind.”
“Writing's a great skill, but thinking's a better one.”
“I'd like to think life has improved since 1850, despite the long hours we all seem to spend slaving over hot computers, but the psychological journeys remain the same - the search for love, identity, a meaningful place in the world.”
“Teenagers are very dark, I think. That's all the goth and emo stuff. They're experiencing a lot of stuff that adults experience, but in a much more raw way. It's that extremity that I'm interested in, to be able to go down so far and come up so quickly.”
“When I was at university, there was such a strong delineation between city kids and those who had grown up the suburbs. City kids were so at home in the world, in a way that suburban kids take years to catch up, if indeed they ever can.”
“The thing about adolescence is that you are emerging from a state of obscurity. You are coming out into the world from your family. Your family can seem normal because it is your family and all you know, but in fact it is a mess.”
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