Meg Rosoff Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Meg Rosoff quotes and sayings page 4 (writer). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 43 we have.

Meg Rosoff Quotes
“In the odd moment when I am not thinking about horses, I write books.”
Meg Rosoff Quotes
“Life is absolutely horrific, leading up to absolute horror.”
Meg Rosoff Quotes
“My husband is my most valuable resource.”
Meg Rosoff Quotes
“The more you live, the better writer you are.”
Meg Rosoff Quotes
“As a person with the retentive mental capacity of a goldfish and a dislike of repetition, I frequently make use of the thesaurus built into my Microsoft Word U.K. Software.”
“I can actually trace the moment I decided I couldn't be a doctor. It was in biology, they brought in these African crickets and we were supposed to dissect them - but there's no way I was touching those bugs.”
“I'm constantly snatching my books out of the hands of precocious ten-year-olds who are simply too young to read them, despite parents insisting that dear Octavia has a reading age of 28. I remember trying to read 'In Cold Blood' at the age of twelve, and realising that just because you can read book doesn't mean you should.”
Meg Rosoff Quotes
“In my experience, adults rarely bother reading the reviews of children's books and almost never read the books themselves - particularly if they don't have children.”
Meg Rosoff Quotes
“It's hard recommending books for kids, and a huge responsibility. If you get it wrong, they don't tell you they hate that particular book, they tell you they hate reading.”
“Like many other people of my generation, I don't think I ever really bothered to grow up. I wasn't ever really a proper teenager until I was about 19, and maybe I got a bit stuck there, because it seemed to go on and on.”

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