Mencius Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Mencius quotes and sayings page 3 (philosopher). These are the last 6 out of 26 quotes we have.
“People can have a long-term life plan only if they know their private property is secure.”
“Without effective protection of the citizens' right to property, it will be difficult to attract and accumulate valuable capital.”
“Let not a man do what his sense of right bids him not to do, nor desire what it forbids him to desire. This is sufficient. The skillful artist will not alter his measures for the sake of a stupid workman.”
“The people are the most important element in a nation; the spirits of the land and grain are the next; the sovereign is the least.”
“Friendship with a man is friendship with his virtue.”
“Secure property in hand leads to peace in mind.”
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