Michael De Luca Quotes & Sayings

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16 most famous Michael De Luca quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 59 year old American producer born on Aug 13, 1965.

Michael De Luca Quotes
“'Social Network' is a good story with human experience connective tissue that makes it ageless.”
“The movies were so healing for me because I had such an isolated, lonely childhood. Going to the movies and having the lights go down, you disappear. If you have esteem issues, suddenly you're in a void where nobody can see you. You are just by yourself in that darkness, and your loneliness is cured.”
“I don't sweat the Internet. You know, it's still something I enjoy as a movie geek myself to get on and, like, look at all the websites; however, when it comes to marketing a movie, the Internet is still not the thing that gets people to the theatre.”
Michael De Luca Quotes
“I learned in a very public setting what works and doesn't work for a healthy lifestyle.”
Michael De Luca Quotes
“Any time you can be with like-minded people, laughing or crying over the same joke or the same scene... For me, it's therapeutic. You just feel a little less alone on the planet.”
Michael De Luca Quotes
“Studios are an assembly line. They can be a very good assembly line. As a producer, you concentrate on one project at a time. As an executive, you're in charge of a slate.”
“Because of my New Line upbringing, half my heart goes to scrappy independents, and half goes to mainstream, down-the-middle pop culture events. And even with those, to try to keep something fresh and original with them and try to do things that the majors miss.”
Michael De Luca Quotes
“I've never thought intelligence was age-related.”
Michael De Luca Quotes
“I remember going to see those Adrian Lyne films when I was going to see movies in the nineties, and I was jealous he wasn't working at New Line.”
Michael De Luca Quotes
“I saw all those great '70s films when I was 9, and no one in my Brooklyn neighborhood cared if a kid watched an R movie.”

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