Michael Mann Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Michael Mann quotes and sayings page 2 (82 year old director). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 35 we have for him.

Michael Mann Quotes
“Horses have really distinct personalities, and they're magical in many ways.”
Michael Mann Quotes
“To just tell a story from beginning, middle and end doesn't motivate me that much.”
“What I try to do - I mean 'try,' because you don't get there all the time - is to have impact with content. It's those moments in which you're trying to bring people beyond filmed theater. If I have an ambition, it's that.”
“I think it's easy for directors to stay fresh more than actors, especially once an actor becomes a star. It's hard for Russell Crowe to walk down a street or take a subway. I can fly coach.”
Michael Mann Quotes
“I relate more to the fact that 80-inch plasma has just started to become ubiquitous and in people's homes the fairly decent 5.1 sound system and the big screen isn't that out of reach.”
“There's a tired notion that the photojournalist has to be disengaged to be able to shoot what he shoots, and that's such a cliched idea of what the experience is. Of course they're engaged, and they're not distanced.”
“I think the resolution involved in the high-def, Blu-ray image demands we pay attention to every detail to a level we've never seen before. The audiences have to believe everything they're seeing. As viewers, we're all so experienced and so much smarter than we realize. With Blu-ray, there will be less tricking of the eye.”
“Personally, I find looking at all of the supporting materials and bring it all back to me - the people I worked with, the experience of working on a project - makes it come alive again. So, I try to put those experiences into my commentary for the viewers.”
“Could I have worked under a system where there were Draconian controls on my creativity, meaning budget, time, script choices, etc.? Definitely not. I would have fared poorly under the old studio system that guys like Howard Hawks did so well in. I cannot.”
Michael Mann Quotes
“A 65-ft.-wide screen and 500 people reacting to the movie, there is nothing like that experience.”

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