Michael Mann Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Michael Mann quotes and sayings page 3 (82 year old director). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 35 we have for him.

Michael Mann Quotes
“I like change. I don't like being in the same room for too long.”
Michael Mann Quotes
“I've never made any film that I wouldn't go back and re-edit.”
Michael Mann Quotes
“In 'The Insider,' I had violence - lethal, life-taking aggression - all happening psychologically, all with people talking to other people.”
Michael Mann Quotes
“'Police Story' had some of the best writing on television, and one reason for that is because most of the scripts were based on real cases.”
Michael Mann Quotes
“The best-kept secret about Don Johnson is the fact that he is a terrific actor.”
Michael Mann Quotes
“Video looks like reality, it's more immediate, it has a verite surface to it. Film has this liquid kind of surface, feels like something made up.”
Michael Mann Quotes
“Blu-ray and the technologies emerging around it are the premiere format for reproducing what we do as filmmakers. There's more space on the disc, more bit rate.”
“Dillinger at one point was the second most popular man in America after President Roosevelt. And he was a national hero for a good reason. He was robbing the very institutions, the banks, which had afflicted the people for four years, and after four years nothing was getting any better.”
“Everything we do on 'Luck' is absolutely no different than if we'd had been doing it in a feature film. There's no short cuts. The specificity of what every single line might mean. Everything Dustin Hoffman does. Kevin Dunn is as authentic in the last scene of the last episode as he is in the first scene of the first episode.”
Michael Mann Quotes
“HBO is not an advertiser-based model, it's a subscription model. So what's significant to HBO is not necessarily the debut of an episode, it's the cumulative numbers.”

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